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Ethypel Performance 60 gsm is a pure cellulose material with enhanced seal and peel performance thanks to chemical impregnation at the web surface. Designed for low to medium seal strength values when sealed to PA/PE or PP/PE formable flexible film structures, Ethypel Performance 60 gsm is particularly fit for packaging on Form Fill Seal machines at medium to low speed processes (1.5 to 2.0 sec dwell time with EthyForm XPA). This material provides an optimized breathability leading to superior efficiency during the EO sterilization process.


Ethypel Performance 60 gsm is mainly used for packaging gauzes, swabs and other light weight single use medical devices. Due to its low grammage and limited amount of chemical content, it is particularly recommended for low weight devices that present limited risk of puncture and risk of mechanical stress on seal areas during packaging and transport.

Material description

Product designation ETHYPEL® PERFORMANCE 60 gsm
Product description Direct Seal Medical Web
Recommended sterilization EO / Irradiation
Substance ISO 536 g/m² 60
Substance ISO 536 lb 37
Thickness ISO 534 µm 79
Thickness ISO 534 mil 3.1
Tensile strength ISO 1924-2 kN/m 4.8
Burst strength ISO 2758 kPa 350
Tearing strength ISO 1974 mN 625
Cobb test ISO 535 g/m² 15
Pore size EN 868-2:2009 (App. E) μm 16
Air permeance ISO 5636-3 μm/Pa.s 5.0
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