Top Web:

Ethypel Premium ST 70 gsm is a unique porous web packaging solution for medical device companies and peel pouch manufacturers keen to secure solid sterile barrier systems performance associated with strong resistance to tear and burst and high bacterial filtration efficiency. Very high repeatability from one lot to another and stability in seal strength thanks to online surface treatment, strong fiber cohesion for aseptic opening, and a chemical web to film binding which contributes to a 10% to 20% higher seal strength than the common «uncoated medical web» packaging materials.


Ethypel Premium ST 70 gsm is the ideal solution for medical device companies and peel pouch manufacturers that are keen to pack multiple devices with one single sound and secure packaging material without the need for coating layer. Large fill volume single use syringes, lab sponges, tubings and IV Sets can all be packed with this surface treated packaging material that can be run in multidirection with very stable seal and peel performance results.

Material description

Product designation ETHYPEL® PREMIUM ST 70 gsm
Product description Surface Treated Medical Web
Recommended sterilization EO / Irradiation
Substance ISO 536 g/m² 70
Substance ISO 536 lb 43
Thickness ISO 534 µm 84
Thickness ISO 534 mil 3.3
Tensile strength ISO 1924-2 kN/m 5.6
Burst strength ISO 2758 kPa 420
Tearing strength ISO 1974 mN 600
Cobb test ISO 535 g/m² 15
Pore size EN 868-2:2009 (App. E) μm 12
Air permeance ISO 5636-3 μm/Pa.s 1.8
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