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A cellulose-based substrate developed to pack single use medical devices that will be steam sterilized.  ETHYPEL-S®  70 gsm has been designed to seal to the PP seal layer of PA-PP formable flexible film, with medium seal strength and excellent peel open properties


ETHYPEL-S® 70 gsm has been designed with intended sterility maintenance of no less than 3 years. It is recommended for the packaging of gauzes, swabs & other light weight devices.

Steam sterilization is recognized as one of the least impacting sterilization practice on the environment, using water & heat.  Sterimed has developed a whole range of solutions to pack devices of all weights & sizes, that can be steam sterilized, with a high level of safety through optimal bacterial filtration efficiency, controlled maximum pore size, and eco-designed packaging focus.

Material description

Product designation ETHYPEL-S® 70 gsm
Product description Steam medical paper web 70 gsm
Recommended sterilization Steam
Substance ISO 536 g/m² 70
Thickness ISO 534 µm 90
Thickness ISO 534 mil 3.5
Average tensile strength  ISO 1924-2 kN/m 5.45
Average wet tensile strength ISO 3781 kN/m 2.05
Burst strength ISO 2758 kPa 400
Wet burst strength ISO 3689 kPa 190
Average initiated tear resistance ISO 1974 mN 750
Cobb test ISO 535 g/m² 15.0
Water repellency EN868-2: app.D s 40
Pore size EN868-6 app.E μm 14
Fluorescence EN 868-2: 2009 app.B pts/dm² 0.0
Air permeance ISO 5636-3 μm/Pa.s 5.10
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